Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Greener back to school shopping: Digitize Your Notes

If your professor doesn't allow laptops, obviously listen to them because they are the one giving you a grade at the end of the semester. But some of my professors did allow us to have laptops in class, so I took notes on my laptop. I even had some of my books on my laptop (Ooh! Next post will be about being green when buying books). Taking notes on my laptop was great because my notes were easily accessible and easily shared. If a friend missed a class I could just email them the notes. I didn't do this last year, but this year I think I'll upload my notes to to Evernote or Google Docs, so I can can see them on my phone as well. Then my notes will be super convenient in addition to being earth friendly!

Another great way to make your studying greener and more convenient is by making flash cards with a website/ app called StudyBlue. I found it particularly helpful with my Italian class because I could study my vocabulary anywhere really easily because I had virtual flash cards on my laptop, anywhere with internet, and right on my phone. StudyBlue has an app for both iPhone and Android! StudyBlue also keeps track of what you get right and wrong and how often you get it right or wrong so you can easily see which things you need to study more. You can even make flash cards with images which would be great for a biology or art history class! To join StudyBlue go to StudyBlue.com or click here!

Happy Studying!

P.S. I have to give credit to my roomate from last year for telling me about StudyBlue. Thanks Rachel!

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